Awards, Scholarships and Bursaries


It is the student's responsibility to research their own award opportunities, including requests for all supporting documentation, such as transcripts (which must be requested in the guidance office), reference letters, essays, etc.

Guidance will post all award opportunities that come through our office in the grade 12 google classroom; however, there are others available, both provincially and nationally, which students can research on their own. You can also make an appointment with Ms. Rachel to discuss scholarship opportunities.

Please do NOT wait until the last minute to request a transcript and allow for 24 hours from time of request. Due to confidentiality, we do not send out transcripts automatically. Students must see guidance and request that transcripts be sent.


Each year, the Lieutenant Governor’s Medals are awarded to TWO outstanding grade 11 students in Nova Scotia who have demonstrated:

• Qualities of leadership and service in the school and community

• Commendable performance in the courses in which they are enrolled

Application forms are in the Guidance Office.

Rachel Kuramoto, M.Ed., CCC (she/her)
School Counsellor

Students are responsible for checking the criteria and deadlines and submitting their applications to a sponsoring organization or designate.

Students are encouraged to check with their parent/guardian associations such as workplace/unions/clubs/places of worship, etc., for available awards as well as their own volunteer or student organizations and clubs.

Sign up at Scholarship Canada - create a profile and check in on a regular basis (every week suggested) for potential awards.

Students are responsible for checking and meeting application deadlines for the year of application.